Robotics Education



It is an open source collection of exercises to learn robotics in a practical way for engineering students. Gazebo simulator is the main tool required, as ROS. The students program their solutions in Python language. Each exercise is composed of:

  1. Gazebo configuration files
  2. A ROS node that hosts the student’s code, i.e. a template
  3. A webpage with theory contents, instructions and hints to perform.
  4. The student solution itself

Configuration files, ROS template and webpage are already provided. The student has to develop her code on a separate file, the template, filling in the implementation of a function. The student may use there a simple Python API to access to sensor readings and actuator commands (HAL API) and a simple Python API for Graphical User Interface and debugging (GUI API).

RoboticsAcademy includes exercises about Autonomous Cars, Mobile robots, Drones and Computer Vision.