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Questions and support
The main communication channel to ask for support is the general JdeRobot GitHub Discussion page. Feel free to post your questions there, and even better in the GitHub repos of our open source projects (even their Discussions) to communicate with our development teams.
In addition, the general mailing list for jderobot users and developers is jde-developers [at] gsyc [dot] urjc [dot] es. It is open, and you can automatically subscribe at this SUBSCRIPTION PAGE. Are you looking for a certain message or topic?, search it in the ARCHIVE OF PREVIOUS MESSAGES or in this alternative archive
For consolidated members we regularly use Slack for development fluent communication and periodic video conferences. Only by invitation.
Join the team. How to contribute
Our JdeRobot org is open to contributions at development, documentation, testing, integration and research. Just see the great manual step-by-step (thanks Lihang Li). Take a look also at our internship slots.