Amazon Warehouse


The objective of this practice is to implement the logic that allows a holonomic logistics robot to deliver shelves to the required place by making use of the location of the robot. The robot is equipped with a map and knows its current location in it. The main objective will be to find the shortest path to complete the task.

Shelves to move Robot

Note: If you haven’t, take a look at the user guide to understand how the installation is made, how to launch a RoboticsBackend and how to perform the exercises.

Robot API

  • import HAL - to import the HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer) library class. This class contains the functions that sends and receives information to and from the Hardware (Gazebo).
  • import GUI - to import the GUI (Graphical User Interface) library class. This class contains the functions used to view the debugging information, like image widgets.
  • HAL.getPose3d() - returns x,y and theta components of the robot in world coordinates. The function returns an x,y based in this axis reference, with (0,0) next to the robot spawn in Warehouse 1:
Warehouse 1
  • HAL.setV() - to set the linear speed
  • HAL.setW() - to set the angular speed
  • HAL.lift() - to lift the platform
  • HAL.putdown() - to put down the platform
  • GUI.showPath(array) - shows a path on the map. The parameter should be a 2D array containing each of the points of the path
  • GUI.getMap(url) - returns a numpy array with the image data in a 3 dimensional array (R, G, B, A). The URL of the Amazon Warehouse World 1 is ‘/RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/amazon_warehouse_newmanager/resources/images/map.png’. The URL of the Amazon Warehouse World 2 is ‘/RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/amazon_warehouse_newmanager/resources/images/map_2.png’.

Supporting information

There are two warehouses to choose from:

Warehouse 1:

  • The warehouse size is 20.62 meters long and 13.6 meters wide.
  • The shelves coordinates from 1 to 6 are: (3.728, 0.579), (3.728, -1.242), (3.728, -3.039), (3.728, -4.827), (3.728, -6.781), (3.728, -8.665).
  • You can get the warehouse’s map from there: /RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/amazon_warehouse_newmanager/resources/images/map.png
Warehouse 1
Warehouse 1

Warehouse 2:

  • The warehouse size is 34 meters long and 22 meters wide.
  • The shelves coordinates from 1 to 9 are: (-8.5, -6.0), (-1.5, -6.0), (5.5, -6.0), (-8.5, 4.0), (-1.5, 4.0), (5.5, 4.0), (-1.0, -15.5), (-2, 11.5), (1.0, -15.0).
    • The separation distance between two neighboring shelves is 2 m on the x axis and 1.5 m on the y axis.
  • You can get the warehouse’s map from there: /RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/amazon_warehouse_newmanager/resources/images/map_2.png
Warehouse 2
Warehouse 2


This exercise is a motion planning problem. Motion planning is a Jderobot Academy already has an exercise dedicated for this, which I’d definitely recommend the readers to check it out, so the challenge in this exercise isn’t to implement a motion planning algorithm but learning to use the OMPL (Open Motion Planning Library) for our purpose.

Open Motion Planning Library

OMPL is a library for sampling-based motion planning, offering many state-of-the-art planning algorithms such as PRM, RRT, KPIECE, etc.

OMPL structure
OMPL structure

As you can see in the diagram above, some key components of OMPL are:

  • State Space defines the possible configurations that a robot can have. For example:
    • RealVectorStateSpace: represents an Euclidean space
    • SO2StateSpace, SO3StateSpace: represents rotations in 2D and 3D
    • SE2StateSpace, SE3StateSpace: combines translations and rotations in 2D and 3D
  • State Validaty Checker determines if the configuration is valid, that is to say the configuration doesn’t collides with an enviroment obstacle and respects the constraints of the robot.
  • Control Space defines the movements that a robot can have.
  • State Propagator indicates the evolution of the system after applying a control.
  • Space Information is the container that holds the state space, the state validity checker, and other information needed for planning.
  • Planner responsible for generating a path from the start to the goal in the configuration space. OMPL supports a variety of planners, such as RRT, PRM, and FMT*.
  • Path is the output of the planner, which is a sequence of states representing a trajectory for the robot to follow.

The following example shows a 2D point robot inside a 10x10 space with an ovular obstacle at position (5.5, 5.5):

from ompl import base as ob
from ompl import geometric as og
import math
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# specify valid state condition
def isStateValid(state):
  x = state.getX()
  y = state.getY()
  if sqrt(pow(x - obstacle[0], 2) + pow(y - obstacle[1], 2)) - obstacle[2] <= 0:
    return False
  return True

def plan():
  # Construct the robot state space in which we're planning. We're
  # planning in [0,1]x[0,1], a subset of R^2.
  space = ob.SE2StateSpace()

  # set state space's lower and upper bounds
  bounds = ob.RealVectorBounds(2)
  bounds.setLow(0, dimensions[0])
  bounds.setLow(1, dimensions[1])
  bounds.setHigh(0, dimensions[2])
  bounds.setHigh(1, dimensions[3])

  # construct a space information instance for this state space
  si = ob.SpaceInformation(space)
  # set state validity checking for this space

  # Set our robot's starting and goal state
  start = ob.State(space)
  start().setYaw(math.pi / 4)
  goal = ob.State(space)
  goal().setYaw(math.pi / 4)

  # create a problem instance
  pdef = ob.ProblemDefinition(si)

  # set the start and goal states
  pdef.setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal)

  # create a planner for the defined space
  planner = og.RRTConnect(si)

  # set the problem we are trying to solve for the planner

  # perform setup steps for the planner

  # solve the problem and print the solution if exists
  solved = planner.solve(1.0)
  if solved:
    plot_path(pdef.getSolutionPath(), dimensions)

def create_numpy_path(states):
    lines = states.splitlines()
    length = len(lines) - 1
    array = np.zeros((length, 2))

    for i in range(length):
        array[i][0] = float(lines[i].split(" ")[0])
        array[i][1] = float(lines[i].split(" ")[1])
    return array

def plot_path(solution_path, dimensions):
  matrix = solution_path.printAsMatrix()
  path = create_numpy_path(matrix)
  x, y = path.T
  ax = plt.gca()
  ax.plot(x, y, 'r--')
  ax.plot(x, y, 'go')
  ax.axis(xmin=dimensions[0], xmax=dimensions[2], ymin=dimensions[1], ymax=dimensions[3])
  ax.add_patch(plt.Circle((obstacle[0], obstacle[1]), radius=obstacle[2]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  dimensions = [0, 0, 10, 10]
  obstacle = [5.5, 5.5, 1]   # [x, y, radius]


Info:    RRTConnect: Space information setup was not yet called. Calling now.
Debug:   RRTConnect: Planner range detected to be 3.142586
Info:    RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
Info:    RRTConnect: Created 9 states (4 start + 5 goal)
Geometric path with 7 states
Compound state [
RealVectorState [0 0]
SO2State [0.785398]
Compound state [
RealVectorState [1.26041 2.4087]
SO2State [-0.0626893]
Compound state [
RealVectorState [3.38076 4.59672]
SO2State [0.128782]
Compound state [
RealVectorState [3.66427 7.34115]
SO2State [0.895879]
Compound state [
RealVectorState [4.7318 7.51811]
SO2State [0.808152]
Compound state [
RealVectorState [7.7113 8.01201]
SO2State [0.563304]
Compound state [
RealVectorState [10 10]
SO2State [0.785398]



To better understand how to use the library, it is highly recommended to go to the tutorials and demos sections of the official website.

Conversion From 3D to 2D

Robot Localization is the process of determining, where robot is located with respect to it’s environment. Localization is a an important resource to us in solving this exercise. Localization can be accomplished in any way possible, be it Monte Carlo, Particle Filter, or even Offline Algorithms. Since, we have a map available to us, offline localization is the best way to move forward. Offline Localization will involve converting from a 3D environment scan to a 2D map. There are again numerous ways to do it, but the technique used in exercise is using transformation matrices.

Transformation Matrices

In simple terms, transformation is an invertible function that maps a set X to itself. Geometrically, it moves a point to some other location in some space. Algebraically, all the transformations can be mapped using matrix representation. In order to apply transformation on a point, we multiply the point with the specific transformation matrix to get the new location. Some important transformations are:

  • Translation

Translation of Euclidean Space(2D or 3D world) moves every point by a fixed distance in the same direction

  • Rotation

Rotation spins the object around a fixed point, known as center of rotation.

  • Scaling

Scaling enlarges or diminishes objects, by a certain given scale factor.

  • Shear

Shear rotates one axis so that the axes are no longer perpendicular.

In order to apply multiple transformations all at the same time, we use the concept of Transformation Matrix which enables us to multiply a single matrix for all the operations at once!

Transformation Matrix

Transformation Matrix

In our case we need to map a 3D Point in gazebo, to a 2D matrix map of our house. The equation used in the exercise was:

Coordinate to Pixel

Coordinate to Pixel Conversion Equation

In order to carry out the inverse operation of 3D to 2D, we can simply multiply, the pixel vector with the inverse of the transformation matrix to get the gazebo vector. The inverse of the matrix exists because the mapping is invertible and we do not care about the z coordinate of the environment, implying that each point in gazebo corresponds to a single point in the map.


Simple hints provided to help you solve the Amazon Warehouse exercise. Please note that the full solution has not been provided. Also, the hints are more related to the reference solution, since multiple solutions are possible for this exercise.

Ideas for solving the exercise

There are different ways to solve the exercise:

  • Euclidean planning

    Define the robot as a 2D point and thicken the obstacles’ edges according to the robot’s radius to avoid collision, in this case, the state space can simply be an Euclidean space and all those black pixels will be invalid states. Maybe this demo can help you!

  • Planning with robot’s geometry constraints

    Since the robot’s geometry is not always suitable to be approximated as a point, as in the case when the rectangular shelving is loaded, it would be a better way to solve the problem taking into consideration the robot’s geometry. And this is the challenge of this phase!

    You can represent the robot as a set of pixels, so that a state will be valid when all pixels in the set are free. Now, it is no longer enough to use only Euclidean space but you must take into account the rotation of the robot. Therefore, it would be convenient to use a state space that includes that variable, such as SE2StateSpace. And what else? A motion validator will be also essential, to ensure the feasibility of transitioning between states. Check this demo!

How to find the shortest path?

The library offers the possibility to set an optimization objective, which could be a great help in finding the shortest path. Check out in this tutorial how to do it!

Points to consider

  • The loaded shelf is no longer a obstacle but part of the robot, then:
    • the robot’s geometry changes
    • remember to exclude the shelf itself when defining invalid states

Important points to remember

  • Convert the coordinates from meter to pixel before representing with GUI.showPath(array).


Demonstrative video of completed solution

