Kobuki Obstacle Avoidance
This behaviour demonstrates the Obstacle Avoidance behavior developed for Kobuki-Turtlebot robot developed using ROS Kinetic and simulated in Gazebo9. The behavior consists of 2 states -> Move
and Avoid
and transitions based on the laser sensor data to detect and avoid obstacles like wall. Here’s a small demo video of the behaviour:
Steps to run the example
We assume that you already installed ROS and Gazebo on Ubuntu 16.04 system to be able to test the behaviors. However, if you did not install yet, you can do so following these pages: http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=install_ubuntu&cat=install
We also need worlds from JdeRobot repositories. To be able to install jderobot gazebo assets. Please follow the steps here: https://jderobot.org/Installation We add required commands here for completeness
sudo sh -c 'cat<<EOF>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jderobot.list
# for ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64 bit)
deb [arch=amd64] http://jderobot.org/apt xenial main
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 24E521A4
sudo apt update
sudo apt install jderobot-gazebo-assets
To be able to complete the JdeRobot Gazebo assets installation we need to source the JdeRobot installation script
source /opt/jderobot/share/jderobot/gazebo/gazebo-assets-setup.sh
This is important that you need to run your gazebo simulation on the console that you have sourced your JdeRobot installation otherwise Gazebo simulator cannot find models and worlds of JdeRobot
ROS package generation
First we must generate the ros package of the behavior using the visualstates.
rosrun visualstates main.py <path_to_visualstates_examples>/kobuki_obstacle_avoidance/kobuki_obstacle_avoidance.xml
Using File -> Save As
save the behavior in an empty directory that is also in an active catkin_workspace
. Since code generation will create required files to make the directory a ROS package, you should have different directory for every new behavior. Now, we can generate ROS package using Actions -> Generate Python
Navigate to your catkin_workspace
and run catkin_make
. As an output of catkin_make
you will see the kobuki_obstacle_avoidance
listed as a ROS package.
cd catkin_ws
Start the roscore
Start the Gazebo simulator, using the gazebo_ros package
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo kobuki-simple-ros.world
Run our generated package
rosrun kobuki_obstacle_avoidance kobuki_obstacle_avoidance.py --displaygui=true