

You can check the examples directory for inspiration. If you are using poetry, you can run the scripts provided either by activating the created environment using poetry shell or directly running poetry run python examples/<>.

Full docs for the Python library

Command-line interface

DetectionMetrics currently provides a CLI with two commands, dm_evaluate and dm_batch. Thanks to the configuration in the pyproject.toml file, we can simply run poetry install from the root directory and use them without explicitly invoking the Python files.


Run a single evaluation job given a model and dataset configurations.


dm_evaluate segmentation image --model_format torch --model /path/to/ --model_ontology /path/to/ontology.json --model_cfg /path/to/cfg.json --dataset_format rellis3d --dataset_dir /path/to/dataset  --dataset_ontology /path/to/ontology.json --out_fname /path/to/results.csv


Usage: dm_evaluate [OPTIONS] {segmentation} {image|lidar}

  Evaluate model on dataset

  --model_format [torch|tensorflow]
                                  Trained model format  [default: torch]
  --model PATH                    Trained model filename (TorchScript) or
                                  directory (TensorFlow SavedModel)
  --model_ontology FILE           JSON file containing model output ontology
  --model_cfg FILE                JSON file with model configuration (norm.
                                  parameters, image size, etc.)  [required]
  --dataset_format [gaia|rellis3d|goose|generic]
                                  Dataset format  [default: gaia]
  --dataset_fname FILE            Parquet dataset file
  --dataset_dir DIRECTORY         Dataset directory (used for 'Rellis3D' and
                                  'Wildscenes' format)
  --split_dir DIRECTORY           Directory containing split files (used for 'Rellis3D'
                                  and 'Wildscenes' format)
  --train_dataset_dir DIRECTORY   Train dataset directory (used for 'GOOSE'
                                  and 'Generic' formats)
  --val_dataset_dir DIRECTORY     Validation dataset directory (used for
                                  'GOOSE' and 'Generic' formats)
  --test_dataset_dir DIRECTORY    Test dataset directory (used for 'GOOSE' and
                                  'Generic' formats)
  --data_suffix TEXT              Data suffix to be used to filter data (used
                                  for 'Generic' format)
  --label_suffix TEXT             Label suffix to be used to filter labels
                                  (used for 'Generic' format)
  --dataset_ontology FILE         JSON file containing dataset ontology (used
                                  for 'Generic' format)
  --split [train|val|test]        Name of the split to be evaluated  [default:
  --ontology_translation FILE     JSON file containing translation between
                                  dataset and model classes
  --out_fname PATH                CSV file where the evaluation results will
                                  be stored  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Execute requested jobs sequentially. It must be configured by means of a YAML file.


dm_batch evaluate /path/to/batch_config.yaml


Usage: dm_batch [OPTIONS] {evaluate} JOBS_CFG

  Perform detection metrics jobs in batch mode

  --help  Show this message and exit.

YAML file example:

task: segmentation  # Task to perform (e.g., segmentation)
input_type: image  # Input type (e.g., image or lidar)
id: batch_id  # Batch identifier

# All models and datasets defined will be evaluated all-vs-all

  - id: "model_id"  # Model identifier, if path is a pattern, model basename will be added as suffix
    path: "/path/to/model.pth"  # Path to the trained model file. It can be a pattern to match multiple model files (which will be evaluated independently)
    path_is_pattern: false  # Whether the path is a pattern or not
    format: torch  # Model format (e.g., torch, tensorflow)
    ontology: "/path/to/model_ontology.json"  # Path to the model output ontology JSON
    cfg: "/path/to/model_config.json"  # Path to the model configuration JSON
  - id: "another_model_id"
    # ...
  - id: "yet_another_model_id"
    # ...

  - id: "dataset_id"  # Dataset identifier
    format: gaia  # Dataset format (e.g., gaia, rellis3d, goose, generic)
    fname: "/path/to/dataset.parquet"  # (For Gaia) Path to the dataset Parquet file
    dir: "/path/to/dataset_directory"  # (For Rellis3D/Wildscenes) Path to the dataset directory
    split_dir: "/path/to/split_directory"  # (For Rellis3D/Wildscenes) Path to the directory containing split files
    train_dir: "/path/to/train_dataset_directory"  # (For Goose/Generic) Train directory
    val_dir: "/path/to/val_dataset_directory"  # (For Goose/Generic) Validation directory
    test_dir: "/path/to/test_dataset_directory"  # (For Goose/Generic) Test directory
    data_suffix: "_image.jpg"  # (For Generic) Data suffix
    label_suffix: "_label.png"  # (For Generic) Label suffix
    ontology: "/path/to/dataset_ontology.json"  # (For Rellis3D/Generic) Path to dataset ontology
    split: test  # Dataset split to evaluate (e.g., train, val, test)
  - id: "another_dataset_id"
    # ...

outdir: "/path/to/output_directory"  # Path to output directory
overwrite: false  # Whether to overwrite existing output files or not
ontology_translation: "/path/to/ontology_translation.json"  # (Optional)