Detector runs over and input dataset containing images and outputs the detected objects (detection dataset) providing the network weights
The dataset created by Detector can be further used by Evaluator to be compared with ground truth boxes and generate evaluation metrics.
Just like Deployer, Detector also needs network weight files, inferencer implementation, network configuration files and inferencer class names as input.
Furthermore, it also requires a dataset as input, requiring annotation files, dataset implementation and class names to perform detections on.
Also, an output folder is required to store the output detected dataset, which can be used in Evaluator for generating accuracy metrics.
Command line use example
An example of config file would be:
inputPath: /opt/datasets/weights/annotations/instances_val2017.json
outputPath: /opt/datasets/output/new-dataset/
readerImplementation: COCO
inferencerImplementation: tensorflow
inferencerConfig: /opt/datasets/cfg/foo.cfg
inferencerWeights: /opt/datasets/weights/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2018_01_28/frozen_inference_graph.pb
inferencerNames: /opt/datasets/names/coco.names
readerNames: /opt/datasets/names/coco.names
With the config file, change the directory to Tools/Detector
inside build and run
./detector -c appConfig.yml
This will output the new detections dataset to the folder described in the configuration.
GUI use video example
Using the GUI, the use of the available tools can be easier for a user. In this case select the different options from the lists and run it pressing Detect.
The tool will start making detections in the images dataset. A window with the images detections will pop up, as shown in the example video.
The use of Depth Images (if available) is possible.