Installation and use

Install ROS

You can install ROS Noetic in your official documentation. We recommend installing the ROS Noetic Full Desktop.

Next, we install the necessary Python dependencies with the following set of commands

sudo apt-get install \
  python-pip python3-vcstool python3-pyqt4 \
  pyqt5-dev-tools \
  libbluetooth-dev libspnav-dev \
  pyqt4-dev-tools libcwiid-dev \
  cmake gcc g++ qt4-qmake libqt4-dev \
  libusb-dev libftdi-dev \
  python3-defusedxml python3-vcstool

Install Python requirements

This project uses Poetry as a dependency manager. As an advantage we have the version control for each of the libraries which allows to replicate the scenarios exactly on any device as well as making compatible updates between libraries automatically. In addition, the library can be managed in the same configuration file.

To install Poetry (if necessary) you can use the following command (extracted from its documentation):

curl -sSL | python -

Then, we install the dependencies with:

poetry install

Install RL-Studio

git clone
cd rl-studio

Set Noetic configuration

cd RL-Studio/rl_studio/envs/installation
bash setup_noetic.bash

The installation downloads the JdeRobot/CustomRobots repository into the above directory, as follows:

  ├── CustomRobots/
  ├── envs/
  ├── installation/
  └── wrappers/

The following routes will be added to the .bashrc o .zshrc file:

. . .
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
# Gazebo models
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$HOME/RL-Studio/rl_studio/installation/catkin_ws/../CustomRobots/f1/models
source $HOME/RL-Studio/rl_studio/installation/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=:/home/USER/RL-Studio/rl_studio/installation/../CustomRobots/f1/models
. . .

Set Formula1 environment

As an example exercise we take the Formula 1 agent.

Set Formula 1 environment running the following script (the same folder that before):

cd RL-Studio/rl_studio/envs/installation/
bash formula1_setup.bash

The following routes will be added to the .bashrc or .zshrcfile (for formula1 environment):

. . .
export RL_STUDIO_WORLD_CIRCUIT_F1=$HOME/RL-Studio/rl_studio/installation/../CustomRobots/f1/worlds/
export RL_STUDIO_WORLD_NURBURGRING_F1=$HOME/RL-Studio/rl_studio/installation/../CustomRobots/f1/worlds/
export RL_STUDIO_WORLD_MONTREAL_F1=$HOME/RL-Studio/rl_studio/installation/../CustomRobots/f1/worlds/
. . .

There will be as many variables as there are circuits to be executed.

With all the libraries installed, the yml configuration file can be configured to launch a run through the main program and single point of access.

poetry run python -n qlearn -a f1 -e simple -f config.yaml

This program should open a Gazebo environment on the simple circuit, using an agent with the formula 1 model that solves the circuit using the Qlearn algorithm.